Water features add both beauty and challenge to golf courses. In modern golf course design, lakes and ponds are proving to be a popular choice. In fact, a study on trends in golf course management published in the April 2017 issue of Golf Course Management magazine reported, “In all regions of the country, more acreage is devoted to open water than to any other type of water feature.”
Aesthetics aside, lakes and ponds can also serve some very practical purposes. They can function as reservoirs for irrigation systems. When placed at lower elevations, they can provide needed capacity for drainage.1 These bodies of open water are also aquatic systems that add ecological value to golf courses. Natural vegetation zones along shorelines serve as buffer zones to protect water from damaging runoff and are recommended to filter the water and harbor wildlife.2
While natural vegetation zones are valuable, they can become an obstacle to coloring ponds quickly and easily. Luckily, Sensient® Industrial Colors offers a professional strength dye solution that makes coloring these water bodies easier. SensiPro™ pond colorants are offered in a variety of packaging, including water-soluble bags that can be easily tossed into open-water, even across natural vegetation zones. Each water soluble bag contains a pre-measured portion of a professional formulation of food-quality dye that safely transforms pale water by adding a natural blue hue, a mirror-like effect, or an aqua blue color, without staining or harming waterfowl, fish or livestock. The rapid dispersion technology efficiently and quickly colors the water column. Learn more about SensiPro™ options to improve both the appearance and management of open-water features.
1. Millhouse, J, and Elliott, R. (2018). What’s it take to make a lake? Retrieved August 3, 2018, from Grounds Maintenance for Golf and Green Industry Professionals: http://grounds-mag.com/golf_courses/grounds_maintenance_whats_lake/
2. USGA (2018). Golf Course Water Features. Retrieved August 10, 2018. http://www.usga.org/course-care/usga-sustainability/golf-course-water-features.html